
P77K’S Vision, Mission Statement, and Instructional Focus 2023-2024

P77K School Vision 

The vision of our school lies in the belief system that each student learns differently.  Therefore, each student is given access to the standards at their current level and at different entry points.  We are charged with offering each student the opportunity to develop strong self-esteem, become responsible citizens, be career-ready, and achieve academic excellence.  


P77K School Mission 

Our mission is to identify how students learn best and provide each of them with a firm foundation in a supportive, nurturing, and caring environment that’s respectful for all. We present a full, rigorous curriculum that mirrors general education curriculum.  Our goal is to foster life-long learners who will reach their highest potential in school, at home, in the community, and into adulthood.  

P77K Vision of Racial Equity  

P77K’s vision of racial equity lies in the belief that all students and staff will be provided with a safe and supportive environment to raise the achievement of all students while eliminating disparities along the lines of race. Staff will participate in racial equity training and implement culturally responsive teaching. As a result of these practices, barriers to student success will be lifted as students explore personal aspects of race to reach their highest level of independence across all settings. 

P77K Literacy/Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education Vision 

At P77K, we believe that a culturally responsive and sustaining school community is one where each student has choice, access, and opportunity; with a community advocating for and igniting their power. Through rigorous and targeted literacy instruction students will be more equipped as strong self-advocates. We expect our students to achieve academic excellence, and to leave P77K with a strong foundation in literacy skills as well as becoming socially-conscious, life-long learners who are active members of their community. P77K will utilize collaborative data inquiry to drive continuous improvement in student learning and proficiency in areas of literacy, communication, problem solving, and critical thinking which will enable them to experience successful social, academic, and community lifelong experiences. P77K will encourage staff to reflect on their role, purpose in this work, and the value they bring to the school community by drawing on their “why” in order to ignite their passion and become the best educators for our students. 


P77K’s Transition and Work-Based Learning Vision 

To ensure that students are college and career ready and have strong transition plans, that include pathways to economic 

security, P77K will continue to work collaboratively with students, families, and agency linkages, where appropriate, to 

ensure a seamless transition from school to their post-secondary life. P77K will also provide students with functional lifeskills, data-driven instruction, and practical vocational training to support them as they prepare for adulthood. P77K’s 

Tiered Vocational Program is tailored to meet their current skill levels and fosters their growth in independence and 



Priority Focus 

Our P77K's Priority Focus is to build teacher capacity around analyzing and using student assessment data to inform 


P77K CEP Goals for 2023-2024 

 Priority/Goal 1: All students learn to read well

By June, 2024, ELA literacy skills for our low-level C Students with Disabilities (SWD) will Increase 5%, from 40% to 45%, as measured by SANDI/FAST data.

Priority/Goal 2: All students are physically and emotionally safe

By June, 2024, physical and emotional wellbeing for Students with Disabilities (SWD) will Increase 5%, from 85% to 90%, as measured by NYC School Survey Results.

Priority/Goal 3: All students have a high-quality academic experience

By June, 2024, culturally responsive and equitable learning experiences for Students with Disabilities (SWD) will Increase 5%, from 80% to 85, as measured by IEP Progress Monitoring Data.

Priority/Goal 4: All students graduation college and career ready and have a strong plan and pathway to economic security

By June, 2024, Students with Disabilities will continue on a path towards college and career readiness, strong transition planning that includes pathways to economic security will Increase 2%, from 96% to 98%, as measured by SESIS compliance data and the Transition Tracker.

Priority/Goal 5: All districts and schools are more inclusive for parents and families, including having more families choose NYC Public Schools

By June, 2024, partnerships with parents to develop mutual responsibility for Students with Disabilities (SWD) will Increase 5%, from 70% to 75%, as measured by NYC School Survey and parent attendance in school-wide activities.

Priority/Goal 6: Chronic Absenteeism

By June, 2024, Students with Disabilities (SWD) with chronic absenteeism will Decrease 5%, from 20% to 15%, as measured by ATS RISA report.

Priority/Goal 7: Quality Individualized Education Program (IEP)

By June, 2024, to strengthen the quality and implementation of IEPs for All Students with Disabilities (SWD), we will improve goal writing effectiveness by an increase 5%, from 90% to 95%, as measured by Internal IEP Reviews by P77K SESIS Team.

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